
Scope of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pakistan [A Comprehensive Guide]

The Information Technology (IT) sector in Pakistan has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, with the industry doubling in size over the past 4-5 years. The country is home to more than 2000 IT companies and call centers, and this number continues to expand each year. Pakistan recognizes the potential of the IT industry and is banking on the establishment of new tech zones to provide ample job opportunities for its youth.

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense scope in Pakistan, with a significant demand for AI professionals. The potential of AI to revolutionize various industries in the country is immense. Consequently, an increasing number of students are opting for artificial intelligence as their field of study. Industries and businesses in Pakistan are actively exploring the potential of AI and how it can transform our lives and interactions with modern technologies. AI has the power to enhance decision-making processes by providing accurate and up-to-date data.

What is Artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, particularly computer systems. It involves the ability of computer-controlled systems to perform tasks that are typically associated with intelligent beings. AI encompasses various applications, including machine vision, speech recognition, expert systems, and natural language processing.

Machine vision involves equipping computers with the ability to see and interpret visual information, similar to how humans perceive and understand images. Speech recognition allows computers to understand and interpret spoken language, enabling interactions through voice commands and voice assistants. Expert systems use AI algorithms to emulate the decision-making abilities of human experts in specific domains. Natural language processing focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating communication between humans and machines.

Through the advancement of AI technologies, machines are becoming increasingly capable of processing large amounts of data, learning from patterns and experiences, and making decisions or providing recommendations based on the acquired knowledge. AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and manufacturing, by improving efficiency, accuracy, and automation.

Global Market of Artificial Intelligence

The international market for artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing significant growth, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) exceeding 38%. This makes it one of the fastest-growing industries in the modern world. The market value of AI is projected to reach around 120 billion USD by 2025. Key players in the industry, such as Intel, Microsoft, IBM, and ZTE corporations, are showing a keen interest in AI and actively investing in its development.

AI technology has applications beyond the commercial sector. It is also being utilized in military contexts for various purposes, including the development of advanced missiles, self-driving tanks, and ammunition systems. The military recognizes the potential of AI to enhance their capabilities, improve precision, and increase efficiency in operations.

The widespread adoption of AI across industries and its potential for both commercial and military applications underscores its significance and the growing demand for AI-related products and services. As AI continues to evolve and advance, it is expected to play a vital role in shaping the future of technology and transforming various sectors worldwide.

Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan

If you are considering a career in artificial intelligence (AI) in Pakistan and wondering about the future prospects in this field, you can rest assured that the scope of artificial intelligence in Pakistan is promising and highly in demand. The country is experiencing a growing number of Pakistani startups focusing on the development of AI-based products and solutions, creating a significant demand for AI experts.

Artificial intelligence is being embraced across various industries in Pakistan, including businesses, healthcare, education, and transportation. Companies in Pakistan are actively seeking talented individuals with expertise in AI to drive their businesses forward. By obtaining a degree in artificial intelligence, you are making one of the best choices for your career, as it opens up a world of opportunities with competitive salaries and a bright and rewarding future.

The demand for AI professionals is expected to continue growing as more industries and organizations recognize the transformative potential of AI in enhancing productivity, efficiency, and decision-making processes. By staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and skills in AI, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market and contribute to the technological advancement of Pakistan.

Applications of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has numerous applications across various domains, revolutionizing the way we work, live, and interact with technology. Here are three main categories of AI applications:

  1. Robotics: AI plays a significant role in robotics by enabling the creation and control of intelligent robots. Industrial robots, for example, are used in manufacturing processes to perform tasks with precision, speed, and efficiency. These robots can handle repetitive and dangerous tasks, improving productivity and ensuring worker safety. In healthcare, robots can assist in surgeries, provide care to patients, or aid in rehabilitation.
  2. Business Intelligence: AI is used in business intelligence to enhance decision-making processes. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can extract valuable insights, identify patterns, and make predictions. This enables businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, optimize operations, and develop effective marketing strategies. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are also employed in customer service to provide personalized support and enhance customer experiences.
  3. Automation: AI enables the automation of tasks that traditionally require human intervention. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to perform specific tasks or recognize patterns, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Automation can be applied to various industries, such as manufacturing, logistics, finance, and customer service. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries and automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex and strategic work.

These are just a few examples of the applications of artificial intelligence. The potential of AI is vast, and its impact is expanding across diverse sectors, including healthcare, transportation, education, cybersecurity, and more. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative applications that transform industries and enhance our daily lives.

Government of Pakistan’s Initiatives to Promote Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan

These are just a few examples of the applications of artificial intelligence. The potential of AI is vast, and its impact is expanding across diverse sectors, including healthcare, transportation, education, cybersecurity, and more. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect even more innovative applications that transform industries and enhance our daily lives.

Indeed, the Pakistani government is making significant investments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to promote its growth and ensure its success in the country. There are various initiatives and projects underway to support AI development across different sectors. These initiatives include:

  1. National Incubation Centers: The government has established National Incubation Centers in major cities like Rawalpindi, which serve as platforms to support and nurture startups. These centers provide resources, mentorship, and funding opportunities specifically tailored to AI startups, fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country.
  2. Grants for AI Research: The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is offering grants and scholarships to PhD students who are conducting research in AI-related fields. This support encourages students to pursue advanced studies and contribute to the advancement of AI knowledge and applications.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The government is investing in the development of infrastructure, particularly high-speed broadband networks, to ensure widespread access to advanced technologies like AI. This infrastructure expansion aims to bridge the digital divide and enable remote areas of Pakistan to benefit from AI advancements.
  4. Government-Sponsored Hackathons: Hackathons, organized by the government, are being held nationwide to encourage innovation and identify potential AI-based solutions to address various societal challenges. These events bring together AI enthusiasts, experts, and developers to collaborate and create impactful solutions.

These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to fostering an AI ecosystem in Pakistan. By supporting startups, providing research grants, improving infrastructure, and promoting innovation through hackathons, the government aims to create an environment conducive to AI development and adoption. These efforts not only stimulate economic growth but also position Pakistan as a hub for AI innovation and expertise. With ongoing initiatives and further developments in the future, the country is poised to harness the full potential of AI for the benefit of its citizens and the economy.

Pakistani Universities that are Offering COurces in AI

In response to the global advancements in artificial intelligence, top universities in Pakistan have established dedicated knowledge centers to foster AI research and education. These centers serve as hubs for students and researchers to learn, innovate, and contribute to the field of AI. Here are some notable AI centers in Pakistan:

  1. UET Center of Intelligent Systems & Networks – Peshawar: The University of Engineering and Technology (UET) in Peshawar has established a Center of Intelligent Systems & Networks. This center focuses on research and development in areas such as machine learning, data analytics, and intelligent systems.
  2. NUST National Center of AI – Islamabad: The National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Islamabad hosts the National Center of AI, which aims to promote research, innovation, and collaboration in AI. The center conducts cutting-edge research and offers educational programs in AI-related disciplines.
  3. UET AI Research Lab – Lahore: The UET AI Research Lab in Lahore is dedicated to advancing AI research and development. It provides a platform for students and faculty to explore AI concepts, conduct experiments, and contribute to the field through innovative projects.
  4. The AI Lab at IBA – Karachi: The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Karachi houses an AI Lab that focuses on AI research, applications, and industry collaborations. The lab enables students and researchers to work on AI projects, including computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics.

These AI centers play a crucial role in nurturing talent, conducting research, and promoting collaboration in the field of AI. They offer students and researchers the opportunity to explore various AI domains, including computer vision, game playing, language processing, robotics, and voice recognition. With the growing demand for AI expertise in Pakistan, these centers provide a supportive environment for students and researchers to unleash their potential and contribute to the fast-growing AI industry. The establishment of these AI centers reflects the commitment of Pakistani universities to stay at the forefront of AI advancements and empower the youth to excel in this field of great opportunities.

AI-Based Startups in Pakistan

Pakistan’s AI startup ecosystem is thriving, with various startups leveraging artificial intelligence to drive innovation and solve problems in different sectors. Here are some notable AI startups operating in Pakistan:

  1. Farmdar: Farmdar utilizes satellite technology and AI to collect and analyze data about farmland. This data is then used by farmers and crop managers to make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, ultimately improving agricultural productivity.
  2. Orbit: Orbit is an AI-based application that brings concepts to life through augmented reality. It enables teachers to explain complex objects or concepts using 3D visualizations, making learning more engaging and interactive for students.
  3. MeraFuture: MeraFuture is an AI-powered educational application that offers career counseling services. It helps students explore undergraduate programs, assess their skills and interests, prepare for tests, and seek advice from industry experts to make informed career choices.
  4. AdalFi: AdalFi is an AI platform focused on microfinance. It provides lending solutions for consumers and small to medium-sized businesses, making access to finance easier and more efficient.
  5. Tax Dosti: Tax Dosti simplifies tax management in Pakistan using AI. The application assists individuals and businesses with tax return filing, making the process more streamlined. It also helps the Federal Board of Revenue in expanding the tax base by encouraging more users to comply with tax regulations.
  6. TactonBiotic: TactonBiotic develops AI and VR-enabled robots for remote surveys and inspections. These robots utilize computer vision, VR, mobility, and object detection technologies. They can be deployed in disaster-stricken areas or conflict zones to conduct inspections and gather crucial information.

In addition to these home-grown startups, multinational companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have recognized the potential of Pakistan’s AI talent pool and have established their presence in the country. They are actively recruiting AI experts and leveraging local expertise to harness the power of AI technology.

Famous AI Tools in Pakistan

Pakistan’s digital marketing landscape is witnessing a rise in the adoption of AI-powered tools and applications to enhance productivity and streamline marketing processes. These tools offer a range of functionalities that enable marketers to simplify tasks and achieve better results. Here are some of the top trending AI marketing tools in Pakistan:

  1. Jasper: Jasper is an AI-powered content generation tool that helps marketers produce content for various platforms, campaigns, and genres. By inputting a keyword or phrase and selecting the desired tone, marketers can generate blog posts, web copies, product descriptions, taglines, and more.
  2. ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a language processing tool powered by AI. It enables marketers to have human-like conversations with the AI bot, which can assist with tasks such as answering queries, composing emails, writing blogs or essays, and even coding. It has the potential to redefine how marketers spend time on routine writing tasks and is eagerly anticipated in Pakistan’s marketing community.
  3. Writer.com: Writer.com is an AI-powered word processing system that offers modern features like auto-correction, auto-complete, and grammar and clarity checkers. It helps marketers improve their writing efficiency and accuracy.
  4. FullStory: FullStory is a tool that tracks user behavior on digital platforms, providing insights to the marketing team. By identifying pain points and removing friction in the user experience, marketers can optimize their campaigns and improve customer satisfaction.
  5. Zapier: Zapier is an integration tool that connects multiple applications used in digital marketing. It allows marketers to automate tasks and workflows, saving time and effort by consolidating various tools into one platform.
  6. Browse.ai: To keep an eye on competitors, Browse.ai offers website scraping capabilities. This tool helps marketers gather competitive intelligence by extracting data and insights from competitor websites.
  7. Influencity: Influencity simplifies the process of finding and collaborating with social media influencers. Marketers can use this app to identify relevant influencers for their business, assess their suitability, and establish contact for influencer marketing campaigns.

Salaries of AI Professionals in Pakistan

The salary for professionals working in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan varies depending on their qualifications, skills, experience, and the city in which they work. On average, professionals in the field of AI can expect a salary of around 96,000 Pakistani Rupees per month. However, it’s important to note that salaries can increase significantly based on an individual’s expertise and experience in the field.

Recommendations to Boost AI in Pakistan

Reverse the Brain Drain:

Pakistan has a pool of talented experts in AI and related fields. To prevent brain drain, the government should create more job opportunities and provide incentives to encourage these experts to stay and contribute to the local AI industry.

Invest in Research and Development:

The government should allocate resources to support research projects in universities and think tanks, focusing on cutting-edge AI research. By fostering a research-driven environment, Pakistan can attract talent and advance its knowledge in AI.

Collaborate with Foreign Companies:

Collaboration with established foreign companies experienced in AI can provide valuable insights and knowledge-sharing opportunities. By partnering with these companies, Pakistan can accelerate its own expertise and expand the scope of AI operations within the country.

Establish Regional AI Hubs:

Creating regional AI hubs across the country will facilitate the development of AI talent and foster innovation. These hubs can serve as centers for collaboration and knowledge exchange, bringing together various stakeholders involved in AI activities across different sectors.

By implementing these recommendations, Pakistan can nurture its AI ecosystem, attract and retain talent, and leverage AI technology for economic growth and societal advancement.

Nauman Afridi, a seasoned brand strategist, is your go-to guru for transforming brands into unforgettable experiences. With a blend of strategic insight and hands-on execution, Afridi, armed with more than just an MBA in marketing, has conjured up brand magic for diverse organizations spanning sports franchises to multinational food chains. His forte lies in unveiling a brand's essence, crafting compelling narratives, and orchestrating successful launches. Afridi's track record boasts turning brands from "meh" to "wow," employing digital marketing prowess and an innate understanding of human psychology. You can find mor about Nauman Afridi at naumandigital.com
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