Warda Muneeb Rao | Biography, Age, Family & Other Facts

Meet the remarkable Warda Muneeb Rao, an exceptional young woman from Lahore, Pakistan, who has earned the prestigious title of Miss Pakistan Global 2023. Hailing from the esteemed Rajpoot Rao family in Punjab, Warda is more than just a beauty queen; she embodies grace, intelligence, and a deep connection to her cultural roots. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the layers of Warda Muneeb Rao’s life, delving into her personality, background, education, profession, family ties, and her current status as a symbol of beauty and achievement.

Warda Muneeb Rao | Biography, Age, Family & Other Facts

Category Details
Name Warda Muneeb Rao
Age 20 years old
Hometown Lahore, Pakistan
Family Rajpoot Rao family in Punjab
Education 3rd year student at Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design (PIFD)
Field of Study Fashion Design
Achievements – Winner of Miss Pakistan Global 2023
– Student Voice leader
– Top position in CHANGE MAKING INTELLIGENCE competition
Marital Status Not disclosed (Focused on education, career, and charitable activities)

Warda Muneeb Rao is a 20-year-old student from Lahore, Pakistan, who won the title of Miss Pakistan Global 2023. Her family lineage is deeply rooted in Punjabi traditions, and she takes pride in the distinguished surname Rajpoot Rao. She is an inspiring young lady who embodies enthusiasm, dedication, and excellence, making her an ideal representative for her college and the Miss Pakistan competition.

Warda Muneeb Rao’s Education and Profession

Warda Muneeb Rao is currently in her 3rd year at the renowned Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design (PIFD), studying fashion design, which is her passion. With her family’s unwavering support and determination, she has been able to pursue her dreams wholeheartedly. Warda is a symbol of excellence and has received many accolades for her academic achievements, including the Student Voice leader and the top position in the CHANGE MAKING INTELLIGENCE competition.

Warda Muneeb Rao’s Family Background

Warda Muneeb Rao lives in Lahore with her family, who are of Punjabi descent and place a high value on education, religion, and cultural heritage. Her family’s guidance and inspiration have been integral to Warda’s success and the fulfillment of her dreams.

Warda Muneeb Rao’s Marital Status

As of now, there is no information available about Warda Muneeb Rao’s marital status. Her focus is on her education, career, and charitable activities, making her a shining example of a young Pakistani woman ready to take on the world.


Warda Muneeb Rao stands as a shining example of beauty, intelligence, and cultural pride. As Miss Pakistan Global 2023, her journey reflects not only personal accomplishment but also a commitment to representing her heritage with grace. As we conclude this exploration into her life, it is evident that Warda Muneeb Rao is not just a titleholder; she is a symbol of inspiration for aspiring young women, proudly carrying the legacy of her family and culture into the global spotlight.

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