“Betiyaan,” a compelling Pakistani drama that premiered on ARY Digital on October 8, 2022, has quickly become a sensation among viewers. With a stellar ensemble cast and a captivating storyline, the drama unfolds the intricacies of familial relationships and societal challenges. Let’s delve into the details of the “Betiyaan” drama cast, storyline, and more.
Betiyaan Drama Cast – A Stellar Lineup:
The cast of “Betiyaan” boasts some of Pakistan’s most renowned actors and actresses, each contributing their talent to bring the narrative to life.
Fatima Effendi as Fiza:
Renowned for her role in the drama “Guddu,” Fatima Effendi takes on the lead role of Fiza in “Betiyaan.” Her portrayal adds depth and emotion to the storyline.
Fahad Sheikh as Danish:
Fahad Sheikh, known for his previous work in the hit drama serial “Hasrat,” assumes the lead role of Danish in “Betiyaan.” His performance adds a layer of complexity to the character dynamics.
Mahenur Haider as Ayeza:
Emerging actress Mahenur Haider steps into the role of Ayeza, bringing freshness and authenticity to her character in “Betiyaan.”
Osama Tahir as Saad:
Talented young actor Osama Tahir, recognized for his role in the drama serial “Nehar,” contributes to the cast as Saad, adding youthful energy to the storyline.
Tania Hussain as Anum:
Tania Hussain, one of Pakistan’s fastest-growing actresses, known for her role in “Badshah Begum,” plays Anum, enriching the drama with her seasoned acting.
The Creative Minds Behind the Scenes:
- Director: Meesam Naqvi
- Writer: Asma Sayani
- Producer: Fahad Mustafa (BigBang Entertainment)
Meesam Naqvi’s direction, coupled with Asma Sayani’s writing, brings depth and nuance to the storyline. Fahad Mustafa’s production under BigBang Entertainment ensures a high-quality viewing experience.
Additional Cast Members:
The drama also features an ensemble of talented actors and actresses, including Syed Muhammad Ahmed, Beena Mansoor, Saad Faeerdi, Sajjad Pal, and more, enhancing the overall richness of the narrative.
Betiyaan Drama Storyline:
“Betiyaan” delves into the challenges women face after marriage in Pakistani society. The narrative centers around a family comprising five daughters and their father. Fiza, the eldest of the sisters, faces an unexpected twist when Danish, instead of proposing to her, chooses her younger sister, Ayeza. As Ayeza mysteriously disappears on her wedding day, Fiza is compelled to marry Danish to uphold her father’s honor, setting the stage for a unique journey.
Betiyaan Drama Timing:
Catch “Betiyaan” on ARY Digital daily at 07:00 p.m., unfolding its riveting storyline and exceptional performances.
Explore the real-life pictures, bios, and details of the “Betiyaan” drama cast members, including their age, marital status, and recent projects, providing a comprehensive insight into their professional and personal lives.
As “Betiyaan” continues to captivate audiences, stay tuned for the latest updates on Pakistani drama casts and showbiz news on our website, Instagram, and Facebook. Your thoughts on “Betiyaan” and its cast are welcome in the comment section below. Thanks for joining us on this dramatic journey!