“Bebaak,” currently gracing the screens of Hum TV, stands out as one of the most popular drama serials. Penned by Abdul Khaliq Khan & Rakshanda Rizvi and directed by Mohsin Talat, the narrative delves into the challenges faced by a selfish girl named Wafa. The ensemble cast, comprising talented actors, brings the story to life. Let’s explore the complete cast, and crew, and a glimpse into their real-life personas.
Bebaak Drama Cast:
1. Yashma Gill as Wafa:
Yashma Gill, bringing the character of Wafa to life, has enchanted audiences with her distinctive acting style. Born on November 20, 1989, in Khanewal, Pakistan, Yashma is not only known for her on-screen talent but also for her off-screen soft-hearted nature. Her portrayal of Wafa in “Bebaak” showcases her versatility as an actress.
2. Ali Ansari as Meesam:
Ali Ansari, taking on the role of Meesam, is a 34-year-old actor based in Lahore, Pakistan. Renowned for his diverse roles, he recently starred in the drama “Rang Mahal” alongside Sehar Khan. The real-life pictures of Ali Ansari provide a glimpse into the persona behind the character, adding a personal touch to his on-screen portrayal.
3. Raeed Muhammad Alam as Farhad:
Raeed Muhammad Alam, stepping into the character of Farhad, is a 32-year-old actor with prior experience in various TV dramas. His presence adds depth to the “Bebaak” cast, and his real-life pictures offer a glimpse into the actor’s persona outside the realm of the show.
4. Srha Asghar as Shizza:
Playing the role of Shizza in “Bebaak,” Srha Asghar is a 28-year-old actress and model known for her versatility in both dramas and fashion shows. Her real-life pictures showcase her charisma and contribute to the overall portrayal of Shizza in the drama.
5. Zunairah Rafi as Areeba:
Zunairah Rafi, making her acting debut with “Bebaak,” is a promising model deeply rooted in the Pakistani fashion industry. As Areeba, her presence adds a fresh perspective to the cast, and her real-life pictures offer a glimpse into her journey from modeling to acting.
6. Aneesha Aly as Laiba:
Aneesha Aly, essaying the character of Laiba, began her career as a fashion model and seamlessly transitioned into acting. Her real-life pictures provide insight into the multi-faceted talent that she brings to the “Bebaak” ensemble.
7. Faiq Khan as Asad:
In the role of Asad, Faiq Khan, a 40-year-old actor, is recognized for his commendable performances in various TV shows. His portrayal of Asad adds depth and complexity to the storyline, and his real-life pictures offer a glimpse into his off-screen persona.
8. Adnan Shah Tipu as Sharafat:
Adnan Shah Tipu, known for his comic roles, breathes life into the character of Sharafat in “Bebaak.” A renowned actor in the Pakistani industry, his real-life pictures showcase the personality behind the humorous character he portrays.
9. Laila Zuberi as Nafeesa:
Portraying Nafeesa, Laila Zuberi is a revered Pakistani actress with an extensive body of work in various dramas. Her seasoned presence in “Bebaak” adds richness to the cast, and her real-life pictures provide a glimpse into her illustrious career.
10. Jam Nasir as Junaid:
In the role of Junaid, Jam Nasir adds depth to the “Bebaak” cast with his seasoned presence. His real-life pictures offer a glimpse into the persona behind the character, showcasing the experienced actor’s contribution to the drama.
The cast of “Bebaak” delivers stellar performances, infusing life into the intricate storyline of struggles and selfishness. As viewers immerse themselves in the drama, the real-life personas of the cast members provide an intriguing backdrop to their on-screen characters. Share your thoughts on the cast and the drama’s narrative in the comments below!