“Beqadar,” a captivating drama airing on Hum TV, delves into the intricate tapestry of family relationships, anchored by the character Mahrukh. The narrative intricately weaves the complexities of blood relations, shedding light on the impact of ego on the upcoming generation. The cast of “Beqadar” boasts stellar actors, including Anum Fayyaz, Hassan Ahmed, Fariya Hassan, Zhaley Sarhadi, Maryam Tiwana, and Hamad Farooqui, among others.
The drama, directed by Kamran Akbar Khan and produced by the talented Momina Duraid, unfolds its narrative through the penmanship of writers Raheel Ahmed and Mehmood Elahi. The creative synergy of this team promises a storyline that not only resonates but also keeps the audience spellbound. “Beqadar” airs daily at 7:00 pm, taking the baton from its predecessor, Hum TV’s “Badnaseeb.”
Exploring the Ensemble: Beqadar Drama Cast
In “Beqadar,” each character is meticulously portrayed, adding depth to the storyline. The cast includes:
- Anum Fayyaz as Marukh
- Hassan Ahmed as Sarmad
- Fariya Hassan as Neelam
- Hammad Farooqi as Yasir
- Zhalay Sarhadi as Komal
- Maryam Noor as Umeed
- Michelle Mumtaz as Ramal
- Hamza Tariq Jamil as Adeel
- Faraz Farooqui as Saad
Anum Fayyaz as Mahrukh:
Anum Fayyaz, a prominent figure in the Pakistani entertainment industry, graces the screen as Mahrukh. Having commenced her career at a young age, she brings a wealth of experience to her role. Married to Asad Anwar since 2016, the couple shares the joy of parenthood with their son Muhammad Salaar.
Hassan Ahmed as Sarmad:
Hassan Ahmed contributes his acting prowess to the character Sarmad, enhancing the drama’s narrative with his seasoned performance.
Fariya Hassan as Neelam:
Fariya Hassan takes on the role of Neelam, adding her flair to the ensemble cast. Her portrayal promises to be a compelling aspect of the storyline.
Hammad Farooqui as Yasir:
Hammad Farooqui steps into the character of Yasir, bringing his talent to the forefront and contributing to the diverse dynamics of the drama.
Zhalay Sarhadi as Komal:
Zhalay Sarhadi, a seasoned actress, adds depth to the cast with her portrayal of Komal. Her presence contributes to the richness of the narrative.
Maryam Tiwana and Others:
The drama also features Maryam Tiwana and other talented actors who play pivotal roles in shaping the storyline.
Insights into the Characters: Real Names and Roles
This section provides an in-depth look at the characters and the actors who bring them to life:
- Anum Fayyaz as Mahrukh Anum Fayyaz’s role as Mahrukh is central to the plot. Her character’s journey unfolds against the backdrop of family intricacies and promises to captivate the audience.
Hassan Ahmed: Bringing Sarmad to Life
Hassan Ahmed, a renowned Pakistani actor and model hailing from Karachi, Pakistan, is adding his seasoned touch to the character of Sarmad in the drama “Beqadar.” At the age of 39, Hassan is set to captivate the audience with his stellar performance, portraying a vital role in this epic drama.
In his personal life, Hassan embarked on the journey of matrimony with actress Sunita Marshall in 2009. Their union reflects a beautiful blend of faiths, with Hassan embracing Islam while Sunita follows the Christian faith. The couple shares the joys of parenthood with two children: a daughter named Zynah Ahmed and a son named Raakin Ahmed. Despite the diverse faith backgrounds, Hassan and Sunita create a harmonious family, instilling a sense of respect for both Islamic and Christian traditions in their children.
Fariya Hassan: Shining as Neelam
Fariya Hassan, an established actress in the Pakistani showbiz arena, steps into the character of Neelam in “Beqadar.” With a career kickstarting in 2014, Fariya has notably taken on supporting roles, and her portrayal in the drama adds depth and significance to the narrative.
Active on social media, Fariya enjoys engaging with her fans, sharing glimpses of her daily life, and recently highlighting her wardrobe choices from ZARKS while filming “Beqadar.”
Hammad Farooqui: Channeling Yasir’s Character
Hammad Farooqui, a recognized actor and model in the Pakistani entertainment scene, embodies the role of Yasir in “Beqadar.” Starting his showbiz journey in 2010, Hammad has consistently played supporting roles in various dramas, showcasing his acting prowess. Born in September 1988, Hammad, now 32 years old, is not only committed to his craft but also committed to family life. He tied the knot with Sanodia in 2017, and the couple is blessed with two sons.
Zhalay Sarhadi: A Captivating Komal
Zhalay Sarhadi, a distinguished Pakistani television actress and model, graces the cast of “Beqadar” as Komal. With notable roles in popular dramas like “Uraan” and “Aks,” Zhalay brings her seasoned acting skills to the forefront. Born in 1981, she is currently 40 years old and married to Amir Anees. Zhalay’s lineage is equally intriguing, being the granddaughter of former screenwriter and director Zia Sarhadi and the niece of the late Pakistani actor Khayyam Sarhadi.
Maryam Tiwana: A Beautiful Addition to the Ensemble
Maryam Tiwana, a talented Pakistani actress and model, joins the cast of “Beqadar,” adding beauty and skill to the drama. Since her debut in 2015, Maryam has showcased her acting prowess in various dramas, solidifying her presence in the Pakistani entertainment industry.
The “Beqadar” drama cast, with its diverse talents and captivating performances, promises an engaging storyline that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the audience. Share your thoughts on meeting the cast in the comments below!