
Top 23 Amazing Places to visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

The Northern Areas of Pakistan are renowned for their breathtaking natural beauty, stunning mountain landscapes, and unique culture. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the crystal-clear lakes of the Karakoram Range, this region is a paradise for adventure seekers and nature lovers. The area is also rich in history and culture, with ancient ruins, traditional villages, and colorful festivals. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best places to visit in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, from the bustling cities of Gilgit and Skardu to the tranquil valleys of Hunza and Chitral.

List of Beautiful Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

  • Hunza Valley
  • Skardu
  • Gilgit
  • Fairy Meadows
  • Naltar Valley
  • Deosai National Park
  • Khunjerab Pass
  • Astore Valley
  • K2 Base Camp
  • Baltit Fort
  • Shigar Valley
  • Attabad Lake
  • Passu Cones
  • Nagar Valley
  • Phander Valley
  • Ishkoman Valley
  • Yasin Valley
  • Khaplu
  • Hoper Glacier
  • Rush Lake
  • The Karakoram Highway
  • Haramosh Peak
  • The Batura Glacier

Hunza Valley

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Hunza Valley is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. It is located in Gilgit-Baltistan, surrounded by high mountains like Rakaposhi, Ultar Sar, Bojahagur Duanasir II, and Hunza Peak. The valley is known for its stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and hospitable people. The Hunza River flows through the valley, adding to its charm. The valley is also home to several historic landmarks, including the Altit and Baltit Forts, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Hunza Valley is also famous for its apricots, and visitors can try local apricot-based delicacies like apricot jam and apricot oil. The best time to visit Hunza Valley is from April to October when the weather is pleasant, and the valley is in full bloom.


Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

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Skardu is another popular tourist destination in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, located in Gilgit-Baltistan. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, with several lakes, valleys, and high mountains in the vicinity. The town of Skardu is located at an altitude of 2,438 meters and serves as the gateway to several trekking routes, including the K2 base camp trek. Visitors can explore the town and its historic landmarks, including the 8th-century Kharpocho Fort, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Skardu is also home to several beautiful lakes, including Satpara Lake and Sheosar Lake. The best time to visit Skardu is from April to October when the weather is pleasant, and the valley is in full bloom.


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Gilgit is the capital city of Gilgit-Baltistan, located on the banks of the Gilgit River. The city is known for its beautiful natural scenery, with several high mountains, lakes, and valleys in the vicinity. Gilgit is a popular base for exploring the surrounding areas, including the Hunza Valley and Skardu. The city is also home to several historic landmarks, including the 8th-century Kargah Buddha and the Gilgit Fort, which dates back to the 7th century. Visitors can also enjoy local cuisine and shopping in the bustling bazaars of Gilgit. The best time to visit Gilgit is from April to October when the weather is pleasant, and the valley is in full bloom.

Fairy Meadows

Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

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Fairy Meadows is a lush green alpine meadow situated in the north of Pakistan. It is located in the Diamer District of Gilgit-Baltistan, at an altitude of about 10,000 feet above sea level. The meadow is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, including the famous Nanga Parbat, which is the ninth-highest mountain in the world. Fairy Meadows is a popular destination for hiking, trekking, and camping. The area is rich in flora and fauna, and visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the mountains, glaciers, and meadows.

Shandur Pass is located between Chitral and Gilgit in the northern areas of Pakistan. It is situated at an altitude of about 12,000 feet above sea level and is one of the highest passes in the world. The pass is famous for its annual polo tournament, which is held every year in July. The tournament attracts players and spectators from all over the world. The Pass is also a popular destination for hiking, trekking, and camping.

Naltar Valley

Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

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Naltar Valley is a hidden gem of the Northern Areas of Pakistan located near Gilgit. The valley is famous for its stunning lakes, pristine forests, and snow-capped peaks. The valley is home to three beautiful lakes: Naltar Lake, Bashkiri Lake, and Blue Lake. The crystal-clear water of these lakes is perfect for boating and fishing. The valley is also popular among adventure enthusiasts for skiing, hiking, and rock climbing.

Deosai National Park

Deosai National Park is one of the highest plateau regions in the world located in the Skardu district of the Gilgit-Baltistan region. The park covers an area of over 3,000 square kilometers and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna and is known for its stunning landscapes, alpine meadows, and snow-covered peaks. The park is home to rare species such as the Himalayan brown bear, snow leopard, and Tibetan wolf. Visitors can explore the park on foot, on horseback, or on jeep safaris.

Khunjerab Pass

Khunjerab Pass is a mountain pass located in the Karakoram Mountains on the border between Pakistan and China. The pass is the highest paved international border crossing in the world at an altitude of 4,693 meters. The pass is known for its stunning views of the Karakoram range and the surrounding peaks. The area is also home to rare wildlife such as the Marco Polo sheep and the snow leopard. The pass is accessible from May to November and is a must-visit destination for adventure seekers and nature lovers.

Astore Valley

Astore Valley is located in the Astore District of Gilgit-Baltistan in the northern areas of Pakistan. It is situated at an altitude of about 8,000 feet above sea level and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and lakes. The valley is famous for its scenic beauty, hiking trails, and adventure sports. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, including trekking, camping, mountaineering, and fishing. The area is also rich in culture and history, with several ancient forts and shrines located in the valley.

K2 Base Camp

Located at an altitude of 5,150 meters, K2 Base Camp is a popular destination for adventure seekers and mountaineers. The base camp is situated at the foot of the second-highest peak in the world, K2. The trek to the base camp is challenging and requires proper preparation and acclimatization. The journey to the base camp is breathtakingly beautiful, with panoramic views of glaciers, mountain ranges, and vast landscapes. The base camp is surrounded by stunning peaks, including Broad Peak, Gasherbrum II, and Chogolisa.

Baltit Fort

Baltit Fort is a beautiful structure located in the Hunza Valley. The fort was built over 700 years ago and has been beautifully preserved to this day. It was the residence of the Mirs of Hunza until 1945, after which it was handed over to the Baltit village. The fort has been restored and converted into a museum, displaying the rich cultural heritage of the area. The fort also offers stunning views of the Hunza Valley and the surrounding mountains.

Shigar Valley

Shigar Valley is a beautiful valley located in the Skardu district. The valley is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, including the Karakoram range, and is known for its beautiful scenery, ancient forts, and historic mosques. The valley also offers opportunities for trekking and hiking. The Shigar Fort, also known as the Fong-Khar Palace, is a beautiful structure that has been converted into a hotel.

Each of these places is unique and offers a different experience for travelers. K2 Base Camp is a must-visit destination for adventure seekers and mountaineers. Baltit Fort is a beautiful example of the rich cultural heritage of the area. Shigar Valley offers stunning scenery and historic landmarks. All of these places are a testament to the natural beauty and rich history of the Northern Areas of Pakistan.

Attabad Lake

Attabad Lake is a beautiful lake located in the Hunza Valley, Northern Areas of Pakistan. It was formed as a result of a landslide in 2010, which blocked the Hunza River and formed a natural dam. The turquoise blue water of the lake, surrounded by majestic mountains, makes it a popular destination for tourists. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, fishing, and hiking in the surrounding areas.

Passu Cones

Passu Cones are unique natural formations located in the Hunza Valley. These towering peaks are a result of the geological forces that have shaped the Karakoram mountain range. The cones are a stunning sight to behold, especially at sunrise and sunset, when the light casts shadows on their jagged surfaces. The area is also popular for trekking, as there are several trails that lead to the nearby glaciers and high-altitude lakes.

Nagar Valley

Nagar Valley is a picturesque valley located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The valley is known for its stunning scenery, with lush green fields, orchards, and forests surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The valley is also home to several historical and cultural sites, including the 16th-century Nagar Fort, which is now a museum showcasing the traditional arts and crafts of the region. Visitors can also enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping in the valley.

Phander Valley

Phander Valley is a beautiful valley located in the Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The valley is famous for its crystal clear Phander Lake, surrounded by high mountains and lush green forests. The lake is a habitat for various species of fish and attracts fishing enthusiasts from all over the country. The valley is also known for its apricots and trout fish farming.

Chitral Valley is located in the northern region of Pakistan and is famous for its scenic beauty and unique culture. The valley is surrounded by the Hindu Kush Mountains and is home to various tribes, each with its distinct traditions and customs. The valley is also known for its historical landmarks such as the Chitral Fort, Shahi Mosque, and the Kalasha Valleys.

Ishkoman Valley

Ishkoman Valley is a beautiful valley located in the Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The valley is known for its lush green forests, meadows, and fruit orchards. The valley is also home to various historical landmarks such as the Old Karpochu Fort, Yasin Valley, and the Chillinji Pass.

Yasin Valley


Khaplu is a small town in the Ghanche District of Gilgit-Baltistan. The town is famous for its stunning landscapes, cultural heritage, and ancient architecture. The Khaplu Fort, built in the 19th century, is a major attraction in the area. The fort offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the Shyok River. Visitors can also explore the nearby Khaplu Mosque, a beautiful example of traditional Balti architecture. The town is also a starting point for several treks and hikes, including the popular Khaplu to Hushe trek.

Hoper Glacier

Hoper Glacier is a stunning glacier located in the Nagar Valley of Gilgit-Baltistan. The glacier offers visitors an opportunity to experience the beauty of the northern areas of Pakistan. Visitors can trek to the glacier and explore the surrounding area, which includes lush green meadows, towering mountains, and crystal-clear streams. The glacier is also a popular destination for camping and picnicking. The area is known for its stunning natural beauty and offers visitors a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

Rush Lake is a high-altitude lake located in the Nagar Valley of the Gilgit-Baltistan region. It is the highest lake in Pakistan at an elevation of 4,694 meters above sea level. The lake is surrounded by the stunning Karakoram mountain range and is accessible via trekking. Visitors can enjoy camping, trekking, and fishing in the crystal-clear waters of the lake. The view of Rush Peak reflected in the lake makes for a breathtaking sight.

The Karakoram Highway

The Karakoram Highway is a 1,300 km-long road that connects Pakistan to China. The highway passes through some of the most scenic landscapes in the world, including the Karakoram mountain range, the Indus River, and the Hunza Valley. The highway is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world. The drive along the highway offers stunning views of the snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and valleys. The highway is also known for its dangerous curves, steep ascents and descents, and harsh weather conditions.

Haramosh Peak

Haramosh Peak is a 7,397-meter-high mountain located in the Karakoram Range in Gilgit-Baltistan. It is the 63rd-highest mountain in the world and is considered one of the most difficult mountains to climb. The peak is surrounded by glaciers and offers stunning views of the Karakoram Range.

The Batura Glacier

The Batura Glacier is the fifth-longest glacier outside of the polar regions, located in the Karakoram mountain range in Gilgit-Baltistan. It is approximately 57 km long and 2.5 km wide at its widest point. The glacier is surrounded by high peaks, including Shishpar Peak and Batura Sar. The glacier is a popular destination for trekking and hiking, and visitors can enjoy the region’s breathtaking scenery and unique flora and fauna.

Final Thoughts on Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

the Northern Areas of Pakistan offer a wealth of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences that are sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene valleys of Hunza and Chitral, this region is a treasure trove of wonders waiting to be explored. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a glimpse into a unique and ancient culture, the Northern Areas of Pakistan have something for everyone. So pack your bags and embark on a journey to this enchanting land that will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

FAQs on Places to Visit in Northern Areas of Pakistan

What are the best months to visit the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

The best time to visit the Northern Areas of Pakistan is from April to October when the weather is mild and pleasant.

Which are the most popular destinations in the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

Some of the most popular destinations in the Northern Areas of Pakistan include Gilgit, Skardu, Hunza, Chitral, and the Kaghan Valley.

What are the main attractions in the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

The Northern Areas of Pakistan are famous for their stunning mountain landscapes, crystal-clear lakes, ancient ruins, traditional villages, and colorful festivals.

Is it safe to travel to the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

While the Northern Areas of Pakistan are generally safe for tourists, it is important to exercise caution and follow local guidelines and customs.

What are some recommended activities to do in the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

Some of the recommended activities to do in the Northern Areas of Pakistan include trekking, mountaineering, rafting, camping, exploring ancient ruins, and attending local festivals.

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