Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat, a compelling drama by Geo Entertainment, unfolds a narrative intricately woven around the challenges faced by a girl named Shijrat after her father’s demise. The storyline explores her journey as she grapples with difficulties, navigating through a conservative family setting. With a talented cast and a fresh take on untouched themes, the drama captivates viewers. Let’s delve into the cast, characters, and other details of this 2021 production.
Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat Drama Cast & Characters:
The ensemble cast of Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat includes several talented actors portraying pivotal characters. Let’s meet the cast and delve into the characters they bring to life.
Neelam Muneer as Shijrat:
Neelam Muneer, a renowned Pakistani actress, takes on the lead role of Shijrat. Born on March 20, 1992, in Swat, Pakistan, Neelam has been a prominent figure in the industry since her debut in 2009.
Sami Khan as Sannan:
Sami Khan, portraying Sannan, is a versatile actor who began his career with the film Salakhain in 2004. Born on July 6, 1980, in Lahore, Pakistan, Sami has garnered acclaim for his diverse roles.
Syed Jibran as Afaq:
Syed Jibran, essaying the character Afaq, is a seasoned actor with a career spanning over two decades. Born on October 14, 1979, in Jehlum, Pakistan, he is recognized for his contributions to the industry.
Ellie Zaid as Maazia:
Ellie Zaid, portraying Maazia, is an actress, model, and TikTok star. Her role in Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat adds a new dimension to her career.
Arez Ahmed as Khalid:
Arez Ahmed, playing Khalid, is a young and talented Pakistani model and actor. Holding a degree in Maritime Studies, he brings a fresh perspective to the drama.
Sukaina Khan as Narmeen:
Sukaina Khan, portraying Narmeen, is a beautiful Pakistani actress and model. Her previous work includes the drama Mehboob Apke Qadmon Main in 2019.
Sunita Marshall as Saba:
Sunita Marshall, playing Saba, is a well-known Pakistani actress and model. Born on April 9, 1981, in Dubai, her captivating presence adds depth to the drama.
Erum Akhtar as Sumaiya:
Erum Akhtar, essaying the role of Sumaiya, is an actress, model, and singer. Her versatility enriches the drama’s narrative.
Kinza Malik as Mohsina:
Kinza Malik, portraying Mohsina, is a talented Pakistani actress recognized for her roles in various dramas, including Qayamat and Alif Allah Aur Insaan.
Fazila Qazi:
Fazila Qazi, a multi-talented star in the Pakistan entertainment industry, plays a significant role in the drama. Besides acting, she is a producer, writer, and chef.
Kamran Jeelani:
Kamran Jeelani, a senior Pakistani actor and model, adds his charisma to the Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat cast.
Asma Abbas:
Asma Abbas, a renowned Pakistani actress, is part of the drama’s cast. She has contributed significantly to the industry as an actress, producer, and writer.
Mohabbat Dagh Ki Soorat stands out as a riveting drama, not only due to its engaging storyline but also because of the stellar performances of its cast. The characters come to life with depth and authenticity, making the drama a must-watch. As the audience immerses themselves in the on-screen narrative, the real-life personas of the cast members add an extra layer of fascination.