Feroz Kadri | Biography, Age, Family & Other Facts

Step into the spotlight of Feroz Kadri’s burgeoning career, a talented Pakistani actor and model who has swiftly etched his name in the annals of the Pakistani showbiz industry. Known for his captivating performances and modeling prowess, Feroz Kadri has become a notable figure, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment landscape. In this biography, we unravel the details of Feroz Kadri’s life, exploring aspects such as his age, family dynamics, insights into his marital life, the significance of his sister, and a comprehensive look at his notable drama appearances.

Feroz Kadri | Biography, Age, Family & Other Facts

Category Details
Date of Birth Information not provided
Place of Birth Pakistan
Debut Year 2019
Career Highlights – Acting debut in “Wafa Ker Chalay” (2019)
– Notable appearances in dramas like “Bhool Ja Aye Dil,” “Chand Ki Pariyan,” and “Khel”
Education Degree in Political Science from the Lahore School of Economics
Personal Interests Keen interest in politics and sports; follows Islam and practices its teachings
Family Dynamics – Close relationship with his family, especially his mother
– Has a younger sister named Noor Zehra Qadri and a brother who is a physician
Marital Status Unmarried; focuses on his career
Notable Works – “Wafa Ker Chalay”
– “Bhool Ja Aye Dil”
– “Chand Ki Pariyan”
– Currently airing drama “Khel”

Feroz Kadri was born in Pakistan and entered the world of showbiz in 2019. He made his acting debut in the drama serial, Wafa Ker Chalay, which set the stage for his successful career in the entertainment industry. In his short career, Feroz Kadri has already appeared in several popular drama serials, including the Hum TV drama, Bhool Ja Aye Dil, and the currently airing drama, Khel on Hum TV.

Personal Life:

Feroz Kadri is a proud Pakistani who has a keen interest in politics and sports. He follows Islam and practices its teachings. Moreover, he is an educated individual with a degree in Political Science from the Lahore School of Economics.

Family and Relationships:

Feroz Kadri has a close relationship with his family, especially his mother. He has a younger sister named Noor Zehra Qadri, and a brother who is a physician. As of now, Feroz Kadri is unmarried and focuses on his career.

Drama List:

Feroz Kadri has appeared in several successful drama serials. Some of his notable works include Bhool Jaa Ay Dil, Chand Ki Pariyan, Wafa Kar Chalay, and Khel.


Feroz Kadri emerges as a rising star, his journey marked by talent, dedication, and a growing list of accomplishments in the Pakistani showbiz industry. From his early steps to his current standing, Kadri’s story reflects the dynamism and allure that characterize emerging actors and models. As we conclude this exploration into his biography, it is evident that Feroz Kadri is not just a performer; he is a multifaceted individual contributing to the vibrancy of Pakistan’s entertainment landscape.

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